BIOL 301, PLANT TAXONOMY LAB -- Cumulative Species List
4 April 2022
Aceraceae Acer rubrum * red maple Leaves Leaves, closer Leaf arrangement Immature leaves Samaras Young bark Mature bark Flowers Distant habit in flower
Amaryllidaceae Zephyranthes atamasco Liliaceae, Z. atamasca atamasco lily Habit in flower Single flower Flower bud Bottomland habit in flower
Anacardiaceae Rhus radicans Toxicodendron radicans poison ivy Leaves Leaves Vine with adventitious roots
Apiaceae Hydrocotyle spp. * pennywort Leaves
Aquifoliaceae Ilex coriacea * sweet gallberry Leaves Leaves, backlit
Aquifoliaceae Ilex glabra * inkberry Habit in flower Habit in flower Habit in fruit Habit in fruit, later winter
Aquifoliaceae Ilex opaca * American holly Leaves and fruits Habit in fruit
Aquifoliaceae Ilex vomitoria * yaupon holly Habit in fruit Leaves Leaf, closer
Araceae Arisaema triphyllum * Jack in the pulpit Habit in flower Leaf Fruit
Araliaceae Aralia spinosa * devil's walking stick Leaf Leaflets Stem Node Inflorescence Fruits, closer
Arecaceae Sabal minor * dwarf palmetto Habit in bud Habit with immature fruits
Arecaceae Sabal palmetto * cabbage palmetto Habit
Aristolochiaceae Hexastylis arifolia * wild ginger Leaves Leaf, close Flower
Aspidiaceae Onoclea sensibilis Dryopteridaceae sensitive fern Habit in spore Leaf Spore leaf
Aspidiaceae Polystichum acrostichoides Dryopteridaceae Christmas fern Habit Leaflets, close Sori on leaf back
Aspidiaceae Thelypteris hexagonoptera Thelypteridaceae, Phegopteris … broad beech fern Leaf
Aspleniaceae Asplenium platyneuron * ebony spleenwort Habit Habit Rachis
Asteraceae Baccharis halimifolia * groundsel-tree Leaves Leaves Staminate flowers Carpellate flowers
Asteraceae Borrichia frutescens * sea ox-eye Flowers Immature flowers Habit in flower Fruit remnants
Asteraceae Chrysogonum virginianum C. virginianum var. australe green-and-gold Habit in flower Habit in flower, closer Flowers, close
Asteraceae Heterotheca graminifolia Pityopsis graminifolia grass-leaved goldenaster Leaves Flowers Flowers, closer
Asteraceae Iva frutescens * marsh elder Leaves Leaves, close Flowers Flowers, close Habit in flower Fruit remnants
Asteraceae Pterocaulon pycnostachyum * blackroot Habit Flowers
Berberidaceae Podophyllum peltatum * May-apple Leaves
Betulaceae Carpinus caroliniana * ironwood Fluted trunk Leaf Carpellate catkin Fruit bract, mature, close Staminate catkin
Bignoniaceae Anisostichus capreolata Bignonia capreolata cross-vine Leaves Flowers Tendrils
Blechnaceae Woodwardia areolata * netted chain fern Leaves Leaf, close Reproductive frond
Blechnaceae Woodwardia virginica * Virginia chain fern Leaves Single leaf Oc on left, Wv on right
Bromeliaceae Tillandsia usneoides * Spanish moss Habit Leaves, closer Open capsule
Cactaceae Opuntia compressa Opuntia humifusa prickly pear Flower Leaves Habit in flower Habit in fruit
Cactaceae Opuntia drummondii O. pusilla devil joint Habit
Caprifoliaceae Lonicera japonica * Japanese honeysuckle Leaves Pectinate leaves Flowers Fruits
Caprifoliaceae Lonicera sempervirens * honeysuckle Habit in flower
Chenopodiaceae Salicornia virginica S. depressa sea pickle Habit Habit, closer Flowers
Chenopodiaceae Salsola kali * Russian thistle Habit Seedling Leaves, close Dry
Clethraceae Clethra alnifolia * sweet pepperbush Habit in flower Leaves Fruit remnants Flowers, close
Cornaceae Cornus florida * flowering dogwood Leaves Fall leaves Flowers Fruits and flower bud Mature bark
Cupressaceae Juniperus virginiana * eastern red cedar Mature leaves Juvenile leaves Seed cones
Ebenaceae Diospyros virginiana * persimmon Leaves Leaves, closer Fruit Mature bark
Ericaceae Chimaphila maculata Pyrolaceae spotted wintergreen Leaves Habit in flower Flower, close Fruit
Ericaceae Lyonia lucida * fetterbush Leaves Leaves Flowers Fruit remnants
Ericaceae Vaccinium arboreum * sparkleberry Leaves Winter leaves Flowers
Ericaceae Vaccinium crassifolium * creeping blueberry Habit in flower Habit Stolons Habit in fruit
Euphorbiaceae Cnidoscolus stimulosus * stinging nettle Habit in flower Habit in flower Flower, closer Leaves Hairs Fruit
Euphorbiaceae Croton punctatus * silver-leaf croton Habit Leaves, close Fruits Flowers
Euphorbiaceae Sapium sebiferum Triadica sebifera popcorn tree Habit in bud Leaves Immature fruits Seedlings
Fabaceae Cercis canadensis * redbud Summer leaves Fall leaves Flowers Flowers, closer Immature fruits Zig-zag twigs Distant habit in flower
Fagaceae Castanea pumila * chinqupin Habit in flower Leaves Fruit
Fagaceae Fagus grandifolia * American beech Leaves Tan leaves Bud Bark
Fagaceae Quercus alba * white oak Leaves Leaf Bark Terminal buds Acorn
Fagaceae Quercus laevis * turkey oak Leaves Leaf, closer Buds Male catkins Acorns
Fagaceae Quercus laurifolia * laurel oak Leaves Leaves, close
Fagaceae Quercus michauxii * swamp chestnut oak Leaves, front Leaves, back
Fagaceae Quercus nigra * water oak Leaves, close Leaves, variation Acorns
Fagaceae Quercus pagodaefolia Q. pagoda cherrybark oak Leaves Dried leaves, showing backs Bark Acorn
Fagaceae Quercus phellos * willow oak Leaves
Fagaceae Quercus pumila * running oak Habit Leaf back Leaves, closer Habit in flower Habit in fruit Acorn Colonial habit
Fagaceae Quercus virginiana * live oak Trunk Leaves Acorns
Geraniaceae Geranium maculatum * wild geranium Habit in flower Leaves
Hamamelidaceae Liquidambar styraciflua * sweet gum Leaves Leaf arrangement Fall leaf color Fruit Winter twigs Young warty bark
Iridaceae Iris virginica * blue flag iris Flower Leaves
Juglandaceae Carya spp. * hickory Leaves Leaf scar Fruit
Juncaceae Juncus roemerianus * black needle rush Habit Habit, closer Flowers
Lauraceae Persea borbonia * red bay Leaves Fruits Leaves with typical galls
Lemnaceae Spirodela polyrhiza * duckweed Whole plant
Lemnaceae Wolffiella floridana W. gladiata bogmat Whole plant Duckweeds, habit
Lentibulariaceae Utricularia inflata * floating bladderwort Habit in pond Flowers Floats
Lentibulariaceae Utricularia spp. * vegetative bladderwort see also U. inflata and U. purpurea
Liliaceae Smilax auriculata Smilacaceae dunes greenbrier Habit in fruit Leaves
Liliaceae Smilax bona-nox Smilacaceae greenbrier Leaves
Liliaceae Smilax laurifolia Smilacaceae bamboo vine Habit Leaves with tendrils
Liliaceae Smilax pumila Smilacaceae greenbrier Habit Flowers Fruits
Liliaceae Trillium maculatum * Coastal Plain mottled trillium Single flower Habit in flower Clump in flower Patch in flower Single leaf seedling Two and three leaf seedlings
Liliaceae Yucca gloriosa Agavaceae Spanish bayonet Habit Tall habit Leaf margins Inflorescence Flowers, close
Loganiaceae Gelsemium sempervirens * Carolina jessamine Leaves Flowers Habit Habit Fruits Fruit remnants
Lycopodiaceae Lycopodium alopecuroides Lycopodiella alopecuroides foxtail clubmoss Habit Habit Habit, close
Magnoliaceae Liriodendron tulipifera * yellow poplar Leaf Fall leaves Young bark Stipule/bud scales Habit in flower Flower, close
Magnoliaceae Magnolia grandiflora * southern magnolia Habit in flower Leaves Flower Fruit Fruit, closer
Magnoliaceae Magnolia virginiana * sweet bay Habit in flower Twig with scars Back of leaf Flower
Melastomataceae Rhexia spp. * meadow-beauty Habit in flower Flower Awned anthers
Myricaceae Myrica cerifera Morella cerifera wax myrtle Leaves Fruits
Myricaceae Myrica heterophylla Morella pumila (Weakley) southern bayberry, dry Habit Habit Flowers
Nymphaeaceae Nymphaea odorata * water lily Habit in flower Flower, close Leaves on pond
Nyssaceae Nyssa biflora * pond gum Leaves Leaves, closer Habit in pond Fruit
Oleaceae Fraxinus spp. * ash Leaves Buds Leaf scar
Oleaceae Ligustrum sinense * Chinese privet Leaves Habit in flower Flowers
Orchidaceae Tipularia discolor * crane-fly orchid Habit in flower Flowers, close Top of leaf Back of leaf Capsule
Orobanchaceae Conopholis americana * cancer-root Habit in flower
Orobanchaceae Epifagus virginiana * beechdrops Habit Habit Capsules showing seeds
Osmundaceae Osmunda cinnamomea * cinnamon fern Habit in spore Base of leaves, spring Base of leaves, fall Young sporophyll Circinate vernation Oc on left, Wv on right
Osmundaceae Osmunda regalis * royal fern Habit in spore Leaf, close Reproductive leaflets Base of rachis
Oxalidaceae Oxalis violacea * violet wood sorrel Habit in flower
Pinaceae Pinus glabra * spruce pine Leaves Leaves Cone Bark
Pinaceae Pinus palustris * longleaf pine Habit, mature Grass stage Bottlebrush stage Bark Seed cone Pollen cone Immature pollen cone
Pinaceae Pinus serotina * pond pine Habit in pocosin Epicormic sprouts Leaves Closed cone Open cone
Pinaceae Pinus taeda * loblolly pine Leaves Seed cones
Poaceae Andropogon capillipes * chalky bluestem, dry Habit Equitant leaf bases
Poaceae Andropogon spp. * broomsedge Base of leaves Tan habit
Poaceae Arundinaria gigantea * switch cane Leaves Habit Habit at pond edge
Poaceae Cenchrus tribuloides * dune sandbur Habit in fruit Habit in Fruit Fruit, close
Poaceae Erianthus giganteus Saccharum giganteum giant beard grass Distant habit Inflorescences Inflorescences, closer Erianthus, S. cynosuroides surrounding
Poaceae Panicum amarum * seaside panicum Habit in fruit Habit, closer Fruits
Poaceae Spartina alterniflora * smooth cord grass Habit Habit in flood Habit, close Flowers
Poaceae Spartina cynosuroides * giant cordgrass Distant habit Panicle Panicle
Poaceae Spartina patens * salt hay Habit Habit Habit in dunes
Poaceae Uniola paniculata * sea oats Habit in Fruit Fruits Basal rosette
Polypodiaceae Polypodium polypodioides Pleopeltis polypodioides resurrection fern Green habit Dry habit Back of dry leaf with sori
Pteridaceae Pteridium aquilinum Dennstaedtiaceae bracken fern Leaf Habit
Rhamnaceae Berchemia scandens * supplejack Leaves Stems Bark
Rosaceae Prunus serotina * black cherry Leaves Glands Young bark Mature bark
Rosaceae Rubus spp. * blackberry Habit Leaves, closer Flower, close Winter leaves
Rubiaceae Mitchella repens * partridge berry Habit Flowers Fruit
Saururaceae Saururus cernuus * lizard's tail Leaves Habit in flower Fruits
Sphagnaceae Sphagnum spp. * peat moss Habit Habit, wet
Symplocaceae Symplocos tinctoria * horsesugar Habit Leaves Winter leaves Flowers
Taxodiaceae Taxodium ascendens Cupressaceae pond cypress Leaves Leaves, closer, fall Habit in pond
Taxodiaceae Taxodium distichum Cupressaceae bald cypress Leaves Buttress Knee
Typhaceae Typha latifolia * cat-tails Habit Base of leaves Mature inflorescence Fruit remnants
Ulmaceae Ulmus alata * winged elm Leaves Wings Immature fruits
Violaceae Viola spp. * violets Flowers Leaves
Vitaceae Parthenocissus quinquefolia * Virginia creeper Leaves Habit Flowers Fruits
Vitaceae Vitis rotundifolia * muscadine Leaves Young leaves
Xyridaceae Xyris spp. * yellow-eyed grass Flowers Fruit remnant